Debt collection abroad
Debt collection in 90 countries
Our international debt collection services are also provided in accordance with the principle: “Payment of services upon collection”. Our international presence in more than 90 countries of the world gives you the opportunity to contact us to collect your debts abroad.
Our partners abroad when providing services for the collection of your debt are guided by the requirements of the laws of their countries of residence, their best practices and collection experience (some companies have existed in the markets of their countries for over 30 years). Thus, the specifics of debt collection in different countries may vary, depending on the availability of legislative regulation of debt collection activities (up to the mandatory licensing of this activity in some countries), as well as cultural, religious and other features.
When taking a case into proceedings against the debtor, as a rule, we conduct a superficial investigation, study the personal / legal information and financial situation of the debtor, and identify its weaknesses. After which, as a rule, we contact the debtor directly by telephone, through mediators, lawyers, lawyers, by sending him letters, faxes or in person, i.e. at the first stage, every effort is made to resolve the debt situation in a friendly form (soft). In this case, psychological methods of influence and certain algorithms for negotiating with the debtor are used, based on business information about the debtor.
In the second stage (Hard) with the threat of filing lawsuits and applying a complex of administrative and reputational measures of influence, we persuade the debtor to sign the Debt Repayment Schedule.
Most cases are successfully completed at this stage.
If our efforts do not lead to success at the first stage, we try to assess the financial condition of the debtors and their assets (in some countries, assets are not evaluated). If as a result of our investigations it is established that the debtor has assets that would ensure repayment of the debt, but at the same time we are unable to achieve repayment of the debt through negotiations, we will notify you of this. We will also inform you whether, in our opinion, there are guarantees that the issue will be settled in a lawsuit, and if so, what expenses can you incur. This ensures that you will constantly monitor your situation and the costs associated with such lawsuits.
Regular reports are provided to customers (twice a month, monthly quarterly, or as needed). I would like to draw attention to the fact that the procedures used in some countries may vary.
Perhaps it is worth noting that in the case of filing a lawsuit in the interests of our clients, we can offer significantly lower legal costs. This is possible due to the large number of cases that our specialists work with and our knowledge of local legal systems, customs and cultures, which are often important for the enforcement.
We collect your debt at all three stages: pre-trial, judicial and post-judicial recovery and in more than 90 countries.